Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The title explains exactly how I feel right now. I'm sick of being treated like I have been at work. I'm just a mule there and people don't care what I have to say even thought they asked my opinion. I don't even know why I bother working there... it's not like its a great job or even a good one! Sick of that crap I'll tell you what....

On top of that life for some reason has been rather stressful lately. School isn't helping and I really don't like my classes. The only things running the way I want it to run is the comic. GO FIGURE!!!! One thing I really kind of need some time in is gaming because its my stress reliever. I just want to hide from people and play my copy of Tales of Vesperia.

Side note... I do love my zune... its a life saver at work.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

One of the worst things...

happened to me today...

I was working on a belt sander that was acting up and fixing the belt when it suddenly turned. It cut into my middle finger on my right hand. The biggest problem with this (other then I do everything with my right hand) it's also my Xbox 360 trigger finger.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


After much thought over the subject I have decided not to close weststreetwarriors.com! When I return back to Cali I will resume the comic but with some changes. One thing that will be changed is the rant section - there will be updates but not on a weekly basis. Second the format of the normal comic will change. I was getting really discouraged with how the old comic was (such as all of them were cut and paste and looked like crap) and will be changed after I use all the comic previously made.

This Monday I will be returning from the east coast which means that there will be no comic but the following week (the 22nd) there will be a update.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

East Coast

So things have gotten very busy for me. Right now I'm sitting in a bed and breakfast (that will also serve as a school for counseling) in North Carolina. This is the third "college" I'm enrolled in and will be staying here for 2 weeks.

During this time and and for the rest of the month I will not be posting on the comic. The time that I do work on it will be updated later along with the pages that I've already finished. I got really lazy and just cut and paste the comics together which just looked like crap which I'm happy to say will change. I've drawn up 5 comics and will work on them when I get a chance but I'm not rushing anything.

Friday, August 15, 2008


So I'm in an interesting situation with the comic. It's been a lot of work lately and I have now added to my plate college courses! I am really hoping that it doesnt effect it more then I think it will.

OH! The comic will also resume this comic Monday with the new look (page wise)

Monday, August 11, 2008


So apparently I'm really poor. I play my xbox 360 in rags and update my comic from stolen internet.

The reason I'm posting this is because I just payed my college bills which was $8. The school thinks im poor enough that I don't have to pay my tuition bills just translation fees. Which its kinda cool but at the same time its kinda insulting. So i'll going back to working on the comic and playing xbox in my cardboard box...